When you are ready to make our reservation, refer to the resources and links below.
All property reservations open 365 days in advanced. Visit this site to check the availability of our properties and book your stay. Start with setting the date range on calendar at the top of the page and then selecting 'see listings' for the property you are interested in.
Non–Girl Scout/Outside User group inquiry form*
Complete this form to request additional information about booking GSCO if you do not hold a current Girl Scouts of Colorado membership. Please note: Different rates apply to non-Girl Scout/outside users* of GSCO properties.
GSCO reviews our property reservation prices annually to ensure fees reflect the current economic realities.
Questions about booking GSCO properties?
Contact property.reservations@gscolorado.org
*Non-Girl Scouts/Outside users are defined as anyone without a current GIrl Scouts of Colorado membership.