Receive all the program supplies and instructions for your troop!
Cost of supplies is included in your reservation for up to 10 Girl
Scouts. Supplies for additional Girl Scouts can be added to your
reservation for $5 for every 10 Girl Scouts. Badges can also be
purchased for pickup at the DreamLab.
Financial Literacy: Made possible by Charles Schwab, the
Financial Literacy badges help Girl Scouts learn and practice
financial literacy skills like creating a budget, goal setting,
decision-making, and teamwork through hands-on play.
Badges: Brownie Budget Maker, Junior Budget Builder, Cadette
My Money Habits, and Senior My Financial Power
Robotics: Learn about the robotic brain through coding and
engineering activities.
Badges: Daisy What Robots Do, Brownie Programming Robots,
Junior Programming Robots
Mechanical Engineering: Learn and flex your engineering skills
to complete a design challenge.
Badges: Daisy Model Car Design, Brownie Race Car Design, Junior
Balloon Car Design
Makers Badges: Explore how makers create art and design.
Badges: Daisy Art & Design, Brownie Art & Design,
Junior Art & Design
Life Skills
Badges: Cadette Digital Movie Maker, Cadette Public Speaker