Think about all you’ve accomplished throughout your Girl Scout journey. You’ve expanded your comfort zone, found a safe space to be yourself, done volunteer work to better your community, and surrounded yourself with supportive friends. There’s still so much more to explore with your Girl Scout crew! Sign up for another year today and keep all the goodness going.
Now is the time to save your place and keep growing, learning, and laughing with your best friends all year long.
For one day only, April 4, you can renew your Girl Scout membership for 50% off!
All girls renewed by June 15 will receive an Early Bird patch. Patches will be delivered to troop leaders at August service unit meetings.
Get a head start on the 2024-2025 membership year and earn cool incentives by renewing your girl and adult members early.
Troops that renew at least two unrelated Troop Leadership Team (troop volunteer agreement signed) members and 75% of their girls (minimum 3) by June 15 will earn a shop credit! All participating troops meeting basic Early Bird requirements, completing their Annual Troop Report, and submitting their 2024-25 ACH (includes 2 renewed bank signers with BASA) by June 15.
Achieve 60% retention by June 15 will earn $100 + $0.25/renewed girl for your service unit. Service units must submit their ATR and 2024-25 ACH by June 15 to receive incentive prizes.
Get the tools you need to help your troop thrive. Download our simple
month-by-month guides to make this your best year yet!
Whether she's moving up to second or twelfth grade, she will have a ton of fun. Get to know the next Girl Scout level.